Italian Historical Society of America


  Community Leaders

  On this website you will find the biographies of many well-known individuals who lay claim to their Italian heritage and who have contributed to the advancement of humankind. However, there are millions of unsung individuals, sharing the same heritage contributing to their communities and the lives of others throughout our great country. In this section of our website we wish to acknowledge them. We find out about them through you. Feel free to nominate someone of Italian heritage whom you feel has made exemplary contributions to their community, particular in helping others.

   Joe Fiorentino

 Born  in  Chicago  1959  of  Italian  Descent. Where  on  Sunday  Joe  went  to  Church  and  had  a  Big  Family  Dinner. Joe  with  his  Brother  Mike  and  Sister  Rita   grew  up  eating  spaghetti. Joe  use  to  visit  his  cousins  in  the  Italian  Neighborhood  near  Grand  and  Halstead  where  his  Aunt  Marie,  Cousins Jim  and  Jacklyn  still  live. Joe  learned  how  to  play  football  from  his  father  Carmen  who  also  was  a  great  bocce  ball  player. Joe  attended  Roosevelt  High  School  where  he  was  Team  Captain  and  a  All-City  Football  Player  at  Roosevelt  High  School. In  1976  Joe  had  21  tackles  in  a  game  and  is  still  in  the  ISHA  State  record  books. He  was  also  inducted  into  the  Roosevelt  High  School  Sports  Hall  of  Fame  and  received  a  Scholarship  to  attend  the  University  of  Evansville  where  he  majored  in  Criminal  Justice.  Joe  contribute  his  success  to  my  lovely  wife  Heidi  who  is  always  by  my  side  and  is  his  number  one  fan  who  has  even  helped  me  train  for  my  tournaments. A  Cook  County  Deputy  Sheriff , Black  Belt  and  Certified  Defensive  Tactics  Instructor. Joe  wrote  a  article  for  Police  Magazine  with  the  hopes  of  helping  fellow  officers  become  more  aware  and  safer  while  doing  there  job.

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 Joe has studied Martial Arts since 1977. Joe has trained with Shihan Eddie Yoshimura, Master Bob Shirmer, Sensei Keith and Sensei Duane Sharp who have made him great at martial arts. In 2008 Joe was the #1 Ranked Director Division Grappler in the Nation receiving a Plaque and Certificate. Joe has won 3 World Grappling Championship Belts , Joe has won in MMA, Pankration and Grappling Tournaments and has won over 50 fights . A 12 - Time NAGA (North American Grappling Association) and 3- Time Mid West Jiu- Jitsu Tournament Champion. In 2009 Joe was inducted into The United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame on Aug. 1, 2009. Joe was honored with a Proclamation Certificate by The Village of Lyons for my contributions to the community. Joe use my skills to volunteer to teach others self defense to cubscouts, boyscouts and fellow officers. Joe was honored to serve as Principal for a Day at Peterson Elementary a mentor program for the Chicago Public School. Joe teaches self defense to kids and sponsors low income kids on Peterson Judo Team to try to keep them fit and off the streets.

 Joe is a longtime Blood Donor. Joe have helped the Homeless and many charities and has given to Feed The Children for over 15 yrs. Made a large donation to help Roosevelt High School for the purchase of much needed new football equipment helmets and uniforms. Joe was happy to adopted 3 homeless cats. Joe is a member of Neighborhood Watch in Lyons. Joe am a member of many Italian American organizations, The Italian American Police Association where He serves on the Board of Directors and UNICO where Joe attends monthly meetings, National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame, OSIA and NIAF. Joe is also a State Director for the International Martial Arts Council of America. These Organization try to help improve Life for the Italian American community as well as other communities . Joe and Heidi believe in helping others is a way of Life. Joe has been featured in over 25 different Magazines, Newsletters, Newspapers and Web-sites including FRA NOI, Desplaines Valley News, Fightsport , Ultimate MMA, Chicago Sun-Times Newspaper, FightZone, Amici, Police Magazine, American Police Beat Magazine and The NAGA and NRLO web-sites.

 Joe was awarded The Presidents Volunteer Service Award from President Obama receiving a Gold President`s Pin. The NRLO Outstanding Volunteer Service Award. The American Police Knights of Justice Award. Joe was given a United States Deputy Sheriff Association Commendation Citation for going above and beyond the call of duty. Joe currently lives in Lyons, Il with lovely wife Heidi working as a Cook County Deputy Sheriff External Operations Unit he continues to train and teach Martial Arts and Fight in Grappling Tournaments. On May 1, 2010 Joe will be inducted into the Italian American National Hall of Fame.

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